Stay Safe This Summer: Natural Mosquito Repellents and Preventive Tips

Stay Safe This Summer: Natural Mosquito Repellents and Preventive Tips

Summer is here! Have you begun to notice the buzzing of mosquitoes?

If this is the case, certainly you would be looking for ways to control mosquitoes. Although calling a mosquito control service in Kolkata is the best way to get rid of mosquitoes for good, there are some natural ways that you can try to keep away from these deadly insects.

So, to have a nice summer sleep, let’s learn how to naturally prevent mosquito bites since all they do is cause itching rashes and illnesses.

The arrival of summer brings with it the promise of warm weather, ice cream, and cold beverages. But in addition to these summertime pleasures, mosquitoes are an unwelcome guest. These bothersome tiny insects can easily transform a beautiful day spent outside into a scratchy nightmare.

But do not worry; we have put together a list of natural mosquito repellents and precautions to help you enjoy your summer without being bitten. Let’s explore some at-home methods for naturally avoiding mosquito bites.

Although summer is a great time for outdoor recreation and sunbathing, it is also when mosquitoes are most active. In addition to being annoying, mosquitoes can spread diseases like the Zika virus, malaria, and dengue fever. To lower your chance of getting these diseases, you must prevent mosquito bites.

Tips for preventing mosquito bites with natural mosquito repellents

Essential oils

Compounds in essential oils like citronella, eucalyptus, peppermint, and lavender naturally deter insects. Citronella oil was shown to be just as efficient as DEET at repelling mosquitoes for up to two hours, according to a study that was published in the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association.


Garlic includes substances like allicin that are secreted via the skin and hinder mosquitoes’ ability to find you. Despite the paucity of studies on the usefulness of garlic as a mosquito repellent, a study indicated that garlic oil was efficient at keeping mosquitoes away for up to eight hours.

Neem oil

Natural pesticide and repellant neem oil. Neem oil was found to be efficient at repelling mosquitoes for up to 12 hours, according to a study that was published in the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association.

Apple cider vinegar

Acetic acid, which is present in apple cider vinegar, has been demonstrated to keep mosquitoes away. Fewer mosquitoes will land on your skin after applying a solution made of equal parts water and apple cider vinegar to your skin.

Tea tree oil

Mosquito-repelling substances like terpinen-4-ol are found in tea tree oil. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, tea tree oil and lavender oil work well together to keep mosquitoes away.

Citrus fruits

Mosquitoes can be repelled by rubbing citrus fruits like lemon or lime on your skin. Mosquitoes may find it challenging to locate you due to the potent aroma of citrus fruits like lemon or lime, which can obscure the scent of your skin.


Eugenol, a chemical found in basil and tulsi, is effective at keeping mosquitoes away. Basil oil can keep mosquitoes away for up to two hours, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association.

It is critical to remember that the concentration of the active components, the application technique, and individual variances in body chemistry can all affect how effective they are. So, it is crucial to take certain preventative precautions.

Choose DR Pest Control for quality mosquito control services in Kolkata

The prevention of mosquito-borne diseases and the avoidance of nuisance biting are the only two genuine reasons for controlling mosquitoes. Most people are not aware of the seriousness of the health risk that mosquitoes pose, despite the fact that everyone is aware that they are a terrible blood-feeding nuisance.

Mosquitoes carry and spread some of the deadliest diseases in the world. According to estimates, up to a million people worldwide per year pass away from diseases spread by mosquitoes, including dengue hemorrhagic fever, yellow fever, and malaria.

With our thorough mosquito control service in Kolkata, we at Doctor Pest Control serve as a barrier to guard you against the health risks brought on by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes carry dangerous pathogens inside because they feed on mammalian blood. This has a number of serious effects, including death. Our mosquito management solutions are very effective at driving mosquitoes out of the area and reducing the chance of contracting Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya, and other mosquito-borne diseases.

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