Silverfish Control Service Provider in Kolkata

Silverfish Control Service Provider in Kolkata

Silverfish Control Service

Well today we are here to give some knowledge about Silverfish Bug Control. DR Pest control is a best Silverfish Control Service in Kolkata, and it's a Guaranteed Service in kolkata.


Silverfish grow to be 1/2 - 1 inch long. Their coloring is brown or silver gray. It wingless, soft insects with a fish like an appearance and a flat body. which is tapered at both and covered by overlapping scales. Its abdomen has 3 filaments extending from it. They are not often seen by people because they are nocturnal and can run very quickly.


Silverfish prefer damp, dark, places such as basements, laundry rooms, & under sinks. It also found in bookcases, closet shelves, behind baseboards, window or door frames, wall voids and sub-floor areas.


Silverfish diets are high in protein, sugar, molds, and starch. They feed on cereals, moist wheat flour, starch in bookbinding, paper on which there is glue or paste, gum, cotton, linen, rayon, and silk.


Adult silverfish may lay eggs containing a few to 50 in cracks or crevices. A female lays less than 100 eggs in her 2-8 years lifespan. In ideal conditions, eggs hatch within 2 weeks. It goes through a 3 stage life cycle. The life cycle from egg to adult is 3 months, but their sexual maturity is measured in years.

Signs of a SilyrfIsh Infestation

Their cast-off skins from molting are visible. Holes in wallpaper, books, and fabric. They may leave a yellowish stain on fabric.

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